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Thursday, July 17, 2008

I just watched The Dark Knight last night and I cannot stress it enough that everyone should go and watch it. Although nearly as long as a Lord of The Rings movie, you never really get a sense of when it's going to end as a series of climaxes just keep on coming and going.The only thing that irked me is that alot of the 'Bat' Technology is leaning on the ridiculous side but hey, it's Batman and its okay if you let it slide as a way to move plot along (psst, the Bat computer makes its debut). Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne is certainly more entertaining than his growlings as Batman and the character of Rachelle is pretty forgettable but we all know that we came to watch Heath Ledger as the Joker. A masterful performance and a brilliant script. Alert moviegoers will notice the trend of Joker's 'backstory' throughout the movie, it's all just lies but it certainly adds strength to the character.Do not simply go into the cinema thinking to watch a superhero movie but rather a crime thriller where the main protaganist likes to dress up.A honourable mention to the Harvey Dent story too. A movie thats worth every dollar to watch and then to watch again. 4.5/5 Stars and both of my thumbs up. Why so SERIOUS?

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